At any party it is vitally important to welcome the guests, familiarize them with the reason for the event and thank them for attending.
We will help you achieve the right tone for the event, select an appropriate theme and inject your anecdotes with humour, all in a concise and memorable style.
* Bar mitzvah parties
* Retirement Celebrations
* Engagements
* Bespoke occasions
We can craft a speech for almost any celebration which is guaranteed to hit whichever mark you prefer – either humour, serious or formal.
Bespoke Speeches
We are not members of any organisations whose business and activities remain confidential to members, such as the Freemasons, the Unity of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, the Rosicrucians or Ancient Order of Foresters. However, we can still be of service without you needing to divulge any of your society’s secrets to us.
Helping you Stand Out in a Formal Situation
With many confidential societies having set ways of doing things, you can easily allow your speech to fall into a similar format. Yet there is no reason why can’t meet all the requirements of your society speech and still have a dynamic, personal appeal which will resonate with your audience.
Finding the Right ‘Tone’ in Every Situation
We can help structure your speech and add a comic touch to the more personal and non-confidential elements. Above all, we can help your speech sparkle. All our work is handled in the strictest confidence so do not worry about breaking your ancient rules of secrecy in order for us to help you.
For an exploratory chat, please do not hesitate to call us on 01625-879508.
Some pointers covering virtually all specialist society speeches include the following:-
1. Finding a hook.
2. Theme(s).
3. Use of jokes.
4. Diversions.
5. Giving toasts.
6. Replying to toasts.
Don’t delay, if you need our services call us immediately for a quote on 01625 879508.
At any party it is vitally important to welcome the guests, familiarize them with the reason for the event and thank them for attending.
We will help you achieve the right tone for the event, select an appropriate theme and inject your anecdotes with humour, all in a concise and memorable style.
* Bar mitzvah parties
* Retirement Celebrations
* Engagements
* Bespoke occasions
We can craft a speech for almost any celebration which is guaranteed to hit whichever mark you prefer – either humour, serious or formal.
Bespoke Speeches

We are not members of any organisations whose business and activities remain confidential to members, such as the Freemasons, the Unity of the Independent Order of Oddfellows, the Rosicrucians or Ancient Order of Foresters. However, we can still be of service without you needing to divulge any of your society’s secrets to us.
Helping you Stand Out in a Formal Situation
With many confidential societies having set ways of doing things, you can easily allow your speech to fall into a similar format. Yet there is no reason why can’t meet all the requirements of your society speech and still have a dynamic, personal appeal which will resonate with your audience.
Finding the Right ‘Tone’ in Every Situation
We can help structure your speech and add a comic touch to the more personal and non-confidential elements. Above all, we can help your speech sparkle. All our work is handled in the strictest confidence so do not worry about breaking your ancient rules of secrecy in order for us to help you.
Don’t delay, if you need our services call us immediately for a quote on 01625 879508.