Proofreading And Editing For People With Dyslexia
Too many people with dyslexia feel like they’re ‘bad’ writers. But people with dyslexia can write just as brilliantly as anyone else. Dyslexic brains do process information differently, though, which can make spelling and grammar tricky.
But you know who can help you with that? A proofreader. And with us on your side, you can write with freedom and confidence. We help you find the right words, every time.
Experienced Editors
We have experience with all kinds of writing and all kinds of writers.
This includes working with many dyslexic clients, so we know what to look for when proofreading your work. And if you have any requests for how we approach your writing, just let us know.
We also specialise in a range of document types, including:
- PhDs – Let our expert academic proofreaders help you put the finishing touches on your PhD thesis or dissertation.A PhD is the sum of years of research and writing. And as well as your final thesis, you may need to prepare a lot of papers during your studies. But whatever stage of your PhD you’re at, your written work needs to be clear and concise so you can make a strong argument.
- Statements of Purpose – The statement of purpose (SoP) – sometimes known as a letter of intent, personal statement, or research statement – is a key part of your grad school application. So to make sure you get a place on your chosen course, getting your statement of purpose right is vital. And the best way to impress an admissions committee? Submit a clear, concise, error-free explanation of why you’re a perfect candidate.
- Personal Statements – A good personal statement should set out your qualities, qualifications, experience, and ambitions in a clear, concise manner. Needless to say, it should also be completely error free. And that’s where our expert personal statement editing services come in, giving your application the edge you deserve.
- Books – Everybody may have a book inside them, but getting it out is another matter. Writing a book can be a long, hard process. And by the time you’ve finished, you’ll want to make sure everything is perfect before it is published.
- Student Essays – Editing your own writing is tough. And even the best authors can miss a few errors. But with our essay editing services, you can have a professional proofreader put a final polish on your essay or thesis.
- Scripts – You’ve got a great premise, relatable characters, and a story that will grip audiences. But before you can take on the worlds of stage and screen, you need one more thing: a polished, professionally formatted script.
Dyslexia Proofreading For Professionals
When you submit your writing to us, one of our proofreaders will:
- Make sure your spelling and word choice are perfect throughout
- Fix any other typos or punctuation errors
- Check the grammar and sentence structure are correct
- Highlight passages that could be clearer or more concise
- Ensure the tone and style of the writing fits the document
You’ll have complete control over the final version, too. To guarantee this, we send you two copies of your document. One is a ‘clean’ copy that is ready to use. The other is an MS Word Track Changes copy, with all edits highlighted. And this means you can review changes we make.
Dyslexia Proofreading For Students
Some universities will help to cover proofreading costs for students and academics with dyslexia. You may therefore want to check with your university or research council to see if you are eligible for funding.
Our Next-Day Guarantee
We never rush proofreading, but we do take pride in offering a speedy service. This is why we provide a Next-Day Guarantee on documents of up to 10,000 words as part of our regular service.
And if that’s too long to wait, we also offer Express and Rapid services:
- Express – Your work returned in as little as 8 hours
- Rapid – Documents checked in as little as 3 hours
Simply mention Regular, Express, or Rapid when you send us your document.
- Regular – £15 per 1000 words
- Express – £18 per 1000 words
- Rapid – £20 per 1000 words
Don’t delay, if you need our services call us immediately for a quote on 01625 879508.