Good blog content is an essential element in online marketing. It creates a strong, consistent presence on the Internet, stimulates sales and can be easily replicated on social media. The problem is finding someone in your organisation with the time (or writing ability) to actually maintain it. Erratic publication will damage customer interest, yet maintaining a steady of engaging blog posts can be demanding and time consuming.
That is where we come in. We will take over the running of your blog, providing a regular supply of exciting content. The experienced writers at CWS can craft punchy, readable blog content from the sparsest material. We will transform a memo or text from your sales or production manager into a 600-word post bursting with wit, style and vital information. We can undertake extensive research into your industry or profession in order to deliver your perspective on the latest developments.
Our Unique Approach
- Since your audience is king, we tell them what they want to know and give them information they can use. They are not interested in you, only in what you can do for them.
- We head every post with a compelling headline. Since first impressions matter, we make every headline count.
- We ensure spelling, spacing and punctuation are flawless, not just style and content. The quality of your blog reflects the quality of your business.
- We shun TUAs (totally unhelpful acronyms) and obscure professional jargon. We pitch your blog posts to the level of your audience, not your office.
- We avoid clichés like the plague (there’s one, right there). Boring no longer ‘cuts it’ on the crowded Internet. An effective blog must stand out like a bespectacled wombat on a skating rink. Finding and expanding unusual perspectives on your activities will grab and keep your readers’ attention.
- All our blog posts have a clear point or angle. Since the optimal size for a blog post is no more than 600 words, less is definitely more.
Don’t delay, if you need our services call us immediately for a quote on 01625 879508.